On October 8, 2015 we will leave on the first running of a new Melton trip to Italy. For those who don't know, the Florence Melton School is part of Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and has educational programs which are run around the world, and travel programs focusing on various aspects of Jewish and Israeli history and modern life ( http://www.meltonschool.org/ ). For this trip we will meet in Rome and study there, in Venice and in Florence as well as places in between. We received confirmation today that we will meet with the Israeli ambassador to the Vateican in Rome and will follow that with a private tour of the Papal library!
Following the Melton trip, on October 23, we will travel with two other couples who also are on the Melton trip, Marcia and Eric Birken from Rochester and Sheila and Peter Philippsohn from Sydney, Australia, and take a fast train to Bari in far southeast Italy. There we will begin a walking tour of Apulia, the heel of Italy, which promises to be wonderful. Great sights, great food, great wines. Some photos off of the internet below.
So, we're excited! The next post will be from Rome. Ciao!
Following the Melton trip, on October 23, we will travel with two other couples who also are on the Melton trip, Marcia and Eric Birken from Rochester and Sheila and Peter Philippsohn from Sydney, Australia, and take a fast train to Bari in far southeast Italy. There we will begin a walking tour of Apulia, the heel of Italy, which promises to be wonderful. Great sights, great food, great wines. Some photos off of the internet below.
So, we're excited! The next post will be from Rome. Ciao!